Location Brunsbüttel

24/7 Disposition
+49 4852 963 068 1


HLM Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbh

  • Niederlassung Brunsbüttel
    Koogstrasse 97
    25541 Brunsbüttel
  • +49 4852 963 068 0

Lock Brunsbüttel

Brunsbüttel is another station where we service the whole in- and outgoing seagoing traffic to the Nord Ostsee Kanal. We do have 50 Employees who service nearly 30.000 Vesselmovements per year in the locks.

Contact person

Florian Heeckt

  • +49 4852 963 068 2

Christian Fricke

Head of Lock-Operations
  • +49 4852 963 068 3